Friday, 22 June 2012

First squash and tennis rackets

Yesterday was my first experience of stringing squash and tennis rackets, and I must say, why have I not done it before!?  Having struggled with extremely thin badminton string for the past year and a half I immediately felt comfortable with the much thicker strings in my hands.

My first squash racket was a breeze, and took me as long as a badminton racket does now, after doing over 200! I think that this is because of the lack of strings and the fact that there are not many shared grommets to overcome.

The tennis rackets I found a little harder, as the string was slightly less flexible and there were a lot more strings compared to the squash racket, however, it was nice to have a change and I recommend who is used to just stringing one type of racket to try another as it is really refreshing.

Overall my first experiences were extremely good and I hope to string many more tennis and squash rackets in the future!

1 comment:

  1. If you don't have enough budget to buy rackets, you can go for cheap tennis rackets that can be seen online. You just need to be patient when searching.
